The Collection
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The Egg Lands NFTs in the ALPHA stage are meant to introduce you to the new mechanics, get EXP Points and boosts you can't get any other way!
For now, 4 types of Templates have been introduced: Logos, Frames, Framed Logos and CONSUMABLES.
Logos are the main NFTs of Egg Lands, they unlock special features and are the main way to obtain EXP Points. The Logo Template has been released in 4 rarities:
Common Logo: - Blend 5 to get 1 Uncommon Logo
Uncommon Logo: - Blend 5 to get 1 Rare Logo - Unlock /roll at LVL 7
Rare Logo: - Make /last and win Common Logo or get EXP Points - Blend 4 to get 1 Epic Logo - Blend with 1 Rare Frame and get 1 Framed Rare Logo
Epic Logo:
- Make /add of 5 or more TLM to win 1 Common Logo with 1/[12-(nยฐEpic Logo*2)]
- Blend with 1 Epic Frame and get 1 Framed Epic Logo
Blend them on NeftyBlock to get higher rarities!
Logos are the only way to reduce the /boost Cooldown, allowing you to /boost more often and speed up your EXP Points collection!
The - /boost Cooldown reduction only apply once per rarity!
The Frames are used to BLEND with the Logos to obtain the Framed Logos, the main way to get them is by doing /roll.
The Frame Template has been released in 3 rarities:
Common Frame: - Blend 4 to get 1 Rare Frame
Rare Frame: - Blend 4 to get 1 Epic Frame - Blend with 1 Rare Logo and get 1 Framed Rare Logo
Epic Frame: - Blend with 1 Epic Logo and get 1 Framed Epic Logo
Obtainable with the BLEND of 1 Frame and 1 Logo of the same rarity.
The Framed Logo Template has been released in 2 rarities:
Framed Rare Logo: - Get 60% of the proceeds from the sale of the DROP, full details HERE - Get 1 free /roll100 with every /boost!
Framed Epic Logo: - Get 40% of the proceeds from the sale of the DROP, full details HERE - Get 1 free /roll300 with every /boost!
HOLD both and get 1 free /roll400 with every /boost!
Consumables are NFTs that are used to help you win /last Ranking, they must be used with the /mod_ command and the main way to get them is by doing /roll.
Blend them on NeftyBlock to get higher rarities!
Blend them on NeftyBlock.