Sale of Logos
Last updated
Last updated
The sale of Logos takes place in batches and the proceeds go to the Framed Logo HOLDER
50 Common Logos and 10 Uncommon Logos will be put on sale in batches, at the starting price of 5 and 25 TLM. At the end of BOTH drops, the next one will be at an increased price of 1 TLM for the Common Logo and 5 TLM for the Uncommon Logo.
15% go to EggLands 85% go to Framed Epic and/or Rare Logo HOLDERS!
Framed Rare Logo HOLDERS get 60%(of 85%) of the proceeds from the sales
Framed Epic Logo HOLDERS get 40%(of 85%) of the proceeds from the sales
EACH Framed Rare Logo receives an equal share of 60%(of 85%) of the proceeds from DROP sales EACH Framed Epic Logo receives an equal share of 40%(of 85%) of the proceeds from DROP sales
Payments occur when the drops are created, which means that dear @BATtona will be at a loss until the drop is completed.
The Framed Logo HOLDERS Snapshot is based on data from the EXP Points Leadboard and is done directly by @LittleArm when creating the DROPs.
You will need to be registered and have done /boost to register your Framed Logo to get the sales proceeds!
Subsequent snapshots will be taken at least 6 hours after the end of BOTH drop.